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New York

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01. Bronx Whitestone, Bronx Bound

02. Bronx Whitestone, Queens Bound

03. Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, West Street

04. Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, Brooklyn Side

05. CrossBay, North Bound

06. CrossBay, South Bound

07. Henry Hudson, North Bound

08. Henry Hudson, South Bound

09. Marine Parkway, North Bound

10. Marine Parkway, South Bound

11. Queens Midtown Tunnel, Manhattan Bound

12. Queens Midtown Tunnel, Queens Bound

13. Throgs Neck Bridge, Queens Bound

14. Throgs Neck Bridge, Bronx Bound

15. Triborough Bronx, Queens Bound

16. Triborough Bronx, Bronx Bound

17. Triborough Manhattan, Manhattan Bound

18. Triborough Manhattan, Queens Bound

19. Verrazano Narrows, Staten Island Bound

20. Verrazano Narrows, Brooklyn Bound


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